FUT Vs. FUE Hair Transplant: Which Method Is Right For You?

FUT Vs. FUE Hair Transplant: Which Method Is Right For You?

Date 24 May 2024  

Hair transplants are effective procedures for restoring hair growth after several types of hair loss. Undergoing hair transplant in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics is far more effective than other types of hair restoration, such as over-the-counter hair restoration products. However, various factors influence the hair transplant success rate. The success rate of this surgery is determined by a variety of factors, including the surgeon's ability, expertise and the thickness of the donor's hair.

Who can have hair transplant surgery?

  • Younger individuals tend to have unpredictable hair loss patterns. FUE is typically performed on individuals above the age of twenty-five
  • Those with substantial hair follicle density typically have more coverage area
  • The bald or hair-thinning area is a crucial consideration for hair transplantation. FUE is most effective at treating hair loss in the front of the head
  • Men and women experiencing hair loss due to injuries or burns
  • Candidates with comparable hair and skin colour tend to have less colour contrast.

Which method is right for you?

Deciding between follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) can be critical to attaining the desired results. Each method has unique benefits and considerations that are specific to individual requirements. Let's look at the details of both strategies to help people make an informed decision with the insights shared by a hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): A Minimally Invasive Procedure

FUE hair transplant in Hyderabad involves using a specialised punch tool to remove individual hair follicles from the donor area, which is usually at the back or sides of the scalp. Then these follicles are surgically placed at the chosen recipient site to promote hair growth. This procedure produces tiny, almost unnoticeable scars, making it an appealing alternative for those who want shorter haircuts or extremely short hair.

Ideal candidates for FUE Transplant

Men with thinning hair or baldness on the top or front of their heads are ideal candidates for the FUE transplant. Because the hair is transplanted from a donor spot in the back of the head, the density and durability of the existing hair in that area are also important.

FUE is an excellent alternative for patients who are not otherwise suitable for FUT, either due to a lack of hair in the donor area or a soft scalp.

What are the advantages of FUE hair transplantation?

1. Minimal scarring

FUE creates small dot-like scars that are effortlessly camouflaged, providing for increased hair styling options.

2. Ideal for small sessions

FUE is best suited for those who require fewer grafts or touch-up procedures.

3. Less invasive

The procedure causes less damage to the scalp tissue, resulting in less trauma and a more comfortable experience overall.

4. Natural-looking results

FUE harvests and transplants hairs in their natural groups, leaving no linear scar. This gives the hair a more natural appearance and allows patients to wear it as short as they want without fear of leaving a noticeable scar.

5. No pain during or after the treatment

The FUE procedure uses local anaesthesia to provide little discomfort during the procedure. Because the FUE transplant is a minimally invasive procedure, many patients experience less pain during or after the treatment.

6. Short recovery time

The healing phase after an FUE transplant is quick because no scalpels or stitches are required in the procedure, with many people returning to their usual activities within a few days. The surgery itself takes approximately 8 hours.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): Maximum Graft Yield

FUT Hair Transplant in Hyderabad, commonly known as the strip method, is a surgical procedure that involves cutting a strip of tissue from the donor area and dissecting follicular units under a microscope. These follicular units are then transplanted into the recipient area, just as FUE. Despite leaving a linear scar along the donor site, FUT can often produce more grafts in a single session than FUE.

Ideal candidates for FUT hair transplant

When a patient's primary goal is to get maximum fullness from their hair restoration, FUT is suggested.

For patients with extensive baldness around the crown area of the head, FUT may be a better option than FUE for better coverage and fullness.

What are the advantages of FUT hair transplantation?

1. Recovery time is manageable

A FUT procedure has a relatively short recovery time, about 10–12 days. Some individuals have reported higher levels of discomfort with FUT than with other procedures due to probable swelling where the strip of the scalp was removed. In some cases, pain medication is prescribed.

2. Higher rate of follicle survival

FUT harvests hair from the middle donor zone, where the majority of the hair is permanent. As a result, individuals with inadequate hair supply in the donor area are frequently suggested for FUT treatment. Follicles are carefully extracted with FUT, leaving the protective tissue intact, and resulting in more robust and high-quality grafts.

3. Natural-looking results

The treatment results in an extremely thin, linear scar with a diameter of 1 mm or less. This allows it to blend in with the surrounding hair, making it nearly unnoticeable.

A FUT hair transplant involves transplanting a patient's hair into small, naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs. This allows patients to experience fuller, more natural-looking hair without disclosing their hair transplant treatment.

4. No more scarring with subsequent sessions.

Regardless of how many treatments a patient has, they are only left with one scar. In contrast, each follicular unit removed during the FUE technique results in a tiny, round scar.

Which option is best: FUE or FUT?

The best way to discover which approach is best for you is to consult a skilled hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics. They can evaluate one’s scalp health, hair loss pattern, and desired goal to determine the best method.

Consultation with a trained hair transplant surgeon is essential for assessing the patient's specific needs and determining the best procedure for producing natural-looking results.

Finally, the decision between FUE and FUT is based on several factors, including the patient's hair loss pattern, intended result, budget, and personal preferences. By carefully assessing the benefits and considerations of FUE and FUT, one may begin their hair restoration journey with confidence and achieve an aesthetic improvement.