How Can A Mommy Makeover Help Restore Your Body After Childbirth?

How Can A Mommy Makeover Help Restore Your Body After Childbirth?

Date 19 Apr 2024  

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Motherhood and Mommy Makeover

Becoming a mother is a wonderful, fulfilling, rewarding, and a transformative experience. But it can also be embarrassing in terms of body aesthetics. Childbearing means undergoing physical changes that make women feel conscious or less confident in their looks. 

Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can all impact a woman's physical appearance, particularly her breasts, abdomen, and general body contour. There could be breast deflation, drooping skin, abdominal stretch marks, and excess fat deposits that are not fixed even after a healthy lifestyle is strictly maintained by women. Thankfully, with advancements in cosmetic surgery, mothers can now restore their pre-pregnancy bodies and confidence with a mommy makeover. 

Continue reading this post to learn how a mommy makeover helps restore a woman’s body after childbirth and breastfeeding with a mommy makeover surgeon in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics.

What is a mommy makeover?

Mommy makeover is a personalised collection of plastic surgeries designed to address the significant unwanted effects of pregnancy and aging on women's physiques. The surgeries are done on the face, breasts, or body (especially the abdomen).  

Who is an ideal candidate for a mommy makeover? 

A healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise should always be prioritised over body contouring surgery, like a mommy makeover. Mommy makeover surgery is for women who are suffering from any of the below-mentioned conditions and want to reverse their significant physical changes:

  • Reduced breast volume or drooping breasts
  • Enlarged breasts that are out of proportion to the rest of the body, causing backache
  • Very loose skin and stretch marks around the tummy
  • Very thick and undefined waistline
  • Fat hanging over the C-section surgery scar
  • Excess fat accumulation in the thighs and hips region
  • Loose vagina
  • Loose, hanging skin on the face 
  • Stubborn excess skin and fat after pregnancy that cannot be removed naturally.

Ideal candidates for mommy makeover are those who are healthy, no longer family planning, are concerned about their looks, and have a positive attitude towards mommy makeover surgery. 

What are the benefits of a mommy makeover?

If you're a mother, you know how physically demanding pregnancy and childbirth can be. Even with a good diet and regular exercise, it might not be easy to regain your pre-pregnancy figure. This is where a mommy makeover is beneficial. With a mommy makeover, women can appear and feel good about their looks after having children.

Here are some of the pros of mommy makeover surgery: 

  • Boost in self-confidence: Pregnancy and childbirth can cause changes in the body, and a mommy makeover tries to restore or enhance a woman's pre-pregnancy figure, thereby increasing self-esteem and confidence. Mommy makeovers help women attain a youthful, slimmer body appearance only when they are near their ideal body weight.
  • No more sagging breasts: Breastfeeding and hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause breasts to hang down. Breast augmentation and lift procedures can help restore a more attractive and lifted appearance.
  • Tightening of abdominal muscles: Pregnancy frequently causes stretching of the abdominal muscles, resulting in diastasis recti. A tummy tuck typically included in a mommy makeover, can help tighten these muscles, resulting in a flatter, firmer abdomen. Liposuction is often carried out during a tummy tuck to remove stubborn pockets of fat, thereby trimming the abdomen profile.
  • Customised treatment: A competent plastic surgeon can modify the mommy makeover to meet the patient's needs and goals. This enables a comprehensive and personalised approach to addressing specific areas of concern.
  • Permanent results: Mommy makeover mostly delivers permanent restoration of the body shape as before pregnancy if mothers are committed to a healthy lifestyle and no longer planning for pregnancy. 
  • Saves patient time and money: In a mommy makeover, all the cosmetic procedures that can help women regain their pre-childbearing body shape are performed in a single sitting. This means all the potential surgical discomfort, the extensive recovery period, the time spent, and expenses are consolidated. There is a huge saving as compared to opting for separate cosmetic procedures.   

What does a mommy makeover involve?

Mommy makeover in Hyderabad is customised to each patient and may include a combination of procedures to address specific issues. The package consists of a combination of any of the following methods:

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes extra skin and fat from the abdominal area, resulting in a slim and firm tummy profile. In this surgery, an incision is made across the lower abdomen to remove extra skin and fat. It may also involve tightening the abdominal muscles to provide a flatter, more toned appearance.

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure that uses implants or autologous fat transfer to improve the size, shape, and fullness of the breasts. The purpose of this surgery is to improve the visual appearance of the breasts while also increasing the patient's self-confidence.

This procedure, also known as mastopexy, lifts and firms the breasts with the removal of extra skin and tightening of the surrounding tissue.

This procedure is for mothers who have huge, discomforting breasts after pregnancy. It is done to remove extra breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin.

  • Thigh lift

The thigh lift removes extra skin and fat from the thighs, resulting in smoother skin and more proportionate contours.

  • Arm lift 

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, treats sagging armpits by removing extra skin and fat from the underarm to the elbow.

  • Feminine rejuvenation

This painless, non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation procedure returns the vagina to its youthful shape, tightness, and structure. It can help alleviate vaginal dryness, drooping of the vaginal lips, decreased sensitivity, and occasional mild incontinence, particularly in women who have been pregnant or gone through menopause.

What can you expect in a mommy makeover recovery?

Following the mommy makeover in Hyderabad, women may experience discomfort, swelling, and skin tightness, but these symptoms will disappear independently after a few days. A woman must wear compression garments to support her new shape and reduce swelling. Most women can return to office work and other non-strenuous activities within one to two weeks. 

The plastic surgeon at Eternelle Aesthetics will give the patient specific post-operative care instructions for gradually returning to typical physical activities, such as vigorous exercise and sexual engagement. 

Full recovery takes four to six weeks, depending on the combination of treatments the patient undergoes and how quickly the body heals naturally. If you want more details consult with a mommy makeover surgeon at Eternelle Aesthetics.

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